Thursday 13 March 2014

I'm back!

Hi there!

I'm incredibly sorry I have been absent for almost 6 months. I can't believe it has been that long since I have actually posted a review! One of the most important qualities of a good blogger is to post regularly, and I have failed miserably in that area. But no fear - there's going to be a change! Even though I'm still rather busy with all my university stuff, I have made a promise to myself to keep reading other books besides psychology books, so you can expect to see more of my reviews from now on.  I hope you're not too upset with me (if you even noticed that I had been gone) for being absent. And thank you for sticking with me!!


  1. Yaay! :) I thought you stopped blogging for good, but it was a really pleasant surprise when I saw on Twitter you're back :) I hate it when real life gets in the way of our reading and blogging life :D
    I'm really looking forward to your reviews & other posts!

    1. I know, right! I wish I could just blog for living, haha. :) I was just really busy with all my uni stuff and at some point I knew that I had to give up blogging for a while. I just couldn't find a balance between those two back then. :( And thanks, I'm really looking forward to blogging again and discuss about books with you and the others!


You can't see me, but I'm totally doing my happy dance as I read your comment!